
Antimicrobial Protection Sheild

  • Dramatically reduce mould, mildew, Viruses and bacteria levels on treated surfaces and in the indoor environment and keep low levels for many years.
  • Control the odours, damage and deterioration typically caused by microbial growth.
  • Lessen the risk of air borne and surface microbial contamination spreading.
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 Why Germi-Shield Protection?
  • Mould, mildew, bacteria, fungi, yeasts. Visible and invisible are always present and contribute to microbial contamination in the indoor environment.
  • Hospitals continue to struggle to prevent dangerous infections caused by bacteria such as MRSA, and others.
  • The Mold, spores & viruses are always in the air ready to colonize upon a surface and grow in mass numbers.
  • In addition to Walls, medical devices, linens and clothing can provide a suitable environment for many bacteria,  fungi , and viruses to grow when in contact with the human body which allows for the transmission of infectious disease.
  • Viruses are mainly spread from person to person through airborne droplets produced while coughing or sneezing.
  • However, the viruses can also be transmitted when a person touches respiratory droplets settled on an object or surface.
  • Hence there is always a risk of cross contamination as well.

How it is different from other antimicrobials Remedies?
  • Conventional products penetrate living cells and kill by way of poisoning the organism or disrupting a vital life process. They are designed to act quickly and dissipate quickly.
  • Our technology takes a totally unique approach. It provides an effective initial microbial kill when applied, but, unlike the conventional methods, it also provides long-term control of growth on treated surfaces, often for the life of that surface. The surface itself is modified to make it antimicrobial-ly active.
  • Almost all other treatments (antimicrobials, fungicides, insecticides, disinfectants,sanitizers, etc.) act by volatilising into the air or dissolving in a liquid. Then theactive ingredient is dissipated rapidly or over a period of time -but all have arelatively short effective life. Once inside the organism, the material acts either bypoisoning the organism or by promoting lethal mutation.
  • Since Germi-Shield does not dissipate, the organism does not absorb it. Instead it acts by rupturing the cell wall of the organism -when the organism comes into DIRECT contact with the antimicrobial .
  • In theory, Germi-Shield becomes a permanent part of any application surface and will continue to be fully effective permanently. In effect, it alters the application surface to make it permanently antimicrobial.