- Conventional products penetrate living cells and kill by way of poisoning the organism or disrupting a vital life process. They are designed to act quickly and dissipate quickly.
- Our technology takes a totally unique approach. It provides an effective initial microbial kill when applied, but, unlike the conventional methods, it also provides long-term control of growth on treated surfaces, often for the life of that surface. The surface itself is modified to make it antimicrobial-ly active.
- Almost all other treatments (antimicrobials, fungicides, insecticides, disinfectants,sanitizers, etc.) act by volatilising into the air or dissolving in a liquid. Then theactive ingredient is dissipated rapidly or over a period of time -but all have arelatively short effective life. Once inside the organism, the material acts either bypoisoning the organism or by promoting lethal mutation.
- Since Germi-Shield does not dissipate, the organism does not absorb it. Instead it acts by rupturing the cell wall of the organism -when the organism comes into DIRECT contact with the antimicrobial .
- In theory, Germi-Shield becomes a permanent part of any application surface and will continue to be fully effective permanently. In effect, it alters the application surface to make it permanently antimicrobial.